5 Free Alternatives to Alexa.com for Website Stats

We are writing this article because Alexa.com is retiring on May 1, 2022. We thought that our valued readers might want to learn about the alternatives to Alexa.com for learning about the stats (keywords, rankings, domain authorities, and so on) of their own websites and that of competitors.

Though some services mentioned below rely on Alexa.com itself for their service. We would like to suggest you weigh on these options, or look further options than these, before committing yourself to any.

alternatives to alexa.com

Disclaimer: The options that I have discussed here are premised on the free services provided by them.

1. Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Google Analytics, and particularly Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has become a must-do thing for every blogger. You can integrate Google Analytics with Blogger-, and/or WordPress-based websites. The analytics is pretty rich with visual data on almost everything.

With Google Analytics, you will be able to monitor your websites’ traffic in real time- the number of current views for certain pages, and that too by demographics and countries. The GA4 also monitors clicks, scrolls, outgoing pages, and so on. Bounce rate is definitely not a difficult measure to get.

With Google Analytics, you would not be able to spy on the performance of others’ websites. However, you have enormous control over your own capacity to monitor the web behaviors of your own website’s visitors, and that of your website’s SEO performance when you combine your website with Google Search Console.

Google Search Console is required to submit your website to Google Search Engine. With it, you submit your website’s sitemap, and individual posts/pages so that Google’s bots crawl your pages for indexing if they like that your posts/pages are worth keeping in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Google Search Console also reports the best-performing keywords to you. Hence, it can be used in your SEO.

2. Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools is owned and launched by Microsoft. It is an alternative to Google Search Console. Actually, they get data from Google Search Console.

Bing Webmasters Tools have moved one step ahead and implemented INDEX NOW API with WordPress. If you have installed RankMath Plugin in WordPress, you get an option to enable IndexNow. That means Bing and Yandex will know that you have published a page/post. They will immediately crawl your page and index (most of the time).

At least, Bing and Yandex (maybe Yahoo is getting data from them too) are not being mean when it comes to indexing your post/page and keeping somewhere ranked in the SERPs. My experience is that Bing ranks the recent pages on the top. Should you have any experience with this. Please provide your experience through the comment section below.

Bing Webmasters Tools also provide rich options for Keywords research, Site Scan, and SEO Reports. You can even compare two (or more) websites for keywords and respective traffics.

3. Similarweb

Similarweb can be one of the most trusted websites/plugins to analyze your own web site’s stats or that of others. It is also used to compare different websites. The criteria of comparison and/or analysis are global rank, country rank, category rank, total visits in a month, bounce rate, page views per visit, average visit duration, changes in the traffic engagement over the months, top countries, top topics, and perhaps the closest rivals!

It seems like it is based on the data provided by Google Analytics.

4. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest by Neil Patel specializes in SEO Keywords. They also present your website’s (or that of others) historical data on web traffic. The SEO Keywords data are broken down according to the countries. You also get suggested keywords, SEO difficulty, and CPC (cost for click) rates.

With Ubersuggest, you also get to see the backlinks to your website. Mostly, you will find that many backlinks are not genuine. If you have any idea about such non-genuine backlinks please give us some idea. It seems like that is an annoyance as you might not have asked them to do so.

5. Worth Of Web

I should not have listed ‘Worthofweb’ here. But I do because I normally tend to check the website value and probable income of my rivals :P. Compared to other websites, I find it more intriguing and reliable at the same time. As a professional blogger, the metrics that they aim to calculate are something relevant to us – worth of website and daily / monthly income (all calculated and projected).

They have established that their calculation depends on Alexa data. Now, with the retirement of Alexa.com, what may they do next? It is a matter of watching and waiting.

I should have written a few lines about Ahrefs and Semrush because they have been significant players in SEO-related Analytics and Research Tools. Besides them, various new and competent products are being launched. Who knows?- We might feature some of them in the future update of this post.

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