8 Most important SEO Tips for WordPress website

WordPress by the default SEO friendly website, so that lot of news blogs developed from this open source software. Compare with WordPress and Joomla, WordPress is using for many websites and blogs because of it is a best SEO friendly website. But we have to enable SEO friendly option to get best SEO Ranking, following important points will make WordPress website as SEO friendly.

1. Add the Meta description

The Meta description is most important for every website, using a unique and high-quality keyword to use your content page Meta descriptions area. Install Yoast SEO WordPress plugin and you can easy to add the proper method of Meta descriptions. You can also create the best and content related keyword by using google keyword analyzer tool if you use unique and quality keywords in your all content page your WordPress website ranking will be improved.

2. Title and image Tags

The title is another important for SEO, you have to add the 150 to 160 character for your page title. This title text should be matched to your Meta description keyword and page content than only your website will get best SEO Ranking. In every page images should add the alternative text because search engine bots will not find the images name, it will be identified only by using alternative text for the images.

3. Enable SEO friendly URL

WordPress website URL should not use any query string, it should be using keywords of the pages. You can make this changes by going to Settings -> Permalinks panel, under Common settings select the Post name options. After making this changes your website URL will be using the content page title, you can also modify if you wish.

4. Quality Content

Website content is always King of SEO ranking, this only happens more than 50% for page ranking. More than millions of website available online, some websites has duplicate information and poor contents. Search engine bots always expect unique and quality content, so if your website has new or quality content defiantly will get the best SEO Ranking also content length should be minimum 400 words per page.

5. Tag Manager

Website Tags is one of the important for SEO, you can add the 3 to 6 related tags for your content pages. Integrate the Google Tag Manager in your WordPress website to make more SEO friendly, you can also add the Google Tag Manager WordPress Plugin.

6. Page structures

Always your website page should be SEO friendly structures, it will be using the H1, H2, H3 and strong tags use in every page. Add the internal links in your website pages from the important line, this will be easy to index all of your pages. If you would like to add external website link in your pages, then you have to add nofollow tags, this will avoid redirect of Search engine bots.

7. Index Search engine

Create the XML-sitemap and upload to your website root folder than submit to Google by using Webmaster tool and Yahoo, Bing search engines. This will be helpful for easy to index your websites in all search engines, you can also check your website indexed page status in Google search engine by enter “site:yourdomain.com”

8. Add inbound links

Inbound or Backlinks are most important for your WordPress website SEO traffic, you can add the comments or guest post to some other websites or blogs and link to your website pages. But you have to add backlinks from best Google PR websites and it should be related to your website information’s otherwise, your ranking will be affected.

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