Many individuals are motivated to start blogging. Few of them know what they are going to do, and how to sustain their writing journey. To start blogging, and sustain the started journey, one needs to have a perfect vision of his/her life journey while they write something that pleases them. It may not be a fruitful project to start blogging on something that is not in the universe of passions of the one who is writing. Not many get successful blogging in the niches that are already competitive. Hence, we are presenting 16 unique and catchy blogging ideas for the blogging aspirants.
- How to – Travel
- City Guide
- Life Hacks
- Freebies Around the World
- Job-Hunt Guide
- Book Reviews
- Study Notes
- How to – ICTs
- Science Blogs (Amazing Science)
- eGovernance (Public Service)
- Scholarships
- Study / Work Abroad
- Expat Blogs
- Teacher Blogs
- Little Known Blogs (mainly Historical cover stories)
- Movie Reviews
How to – Travel
Many people travel these days. However, not many are much confident in starting the navigation of the places. If you are an avid traveler, you can start and run how to – travel blogs. You can include the travel options, economics, amenities, geography, climate, culture, attractions of the place, and many more in your blog.
City Guide
I remember a group of bloggers in Hanoi, Viet Nam. Their main job was to write blogs on/around Hanoi only. One can write an incredible number of blogs when s/he focuses on only one cosmopolitan city. Being a committed citizen, you can contribute to the information side of your city while making a living. Remember, you may get a lot of sponsorships, advertisement offers, and of course- web traffic in your city guide blog.
Picnic Spots
City dwellers have been constantly looking for an outdoor place to go and eat/relax with family and friends. Schools and university students do the same. Civil servants, wage earners, other entrepreneurs, and professionals are not spared with such a desire to spend quality time. If you write blog posts on picnic spots and other attractions in and around your city, your website will be getting a lot of attention.
Similarly, you can include information on eateries, theaters, and everything that a city can offer in your blog.
Life Hacks
You may start with home remedies posts. However, you must be very cautious when you write about health issues. The general benefits of homie items like spices, herbs, etc. must be okay to be included in your blog. However, keeping the ethical and moral dimensions in your conscience, you may run short of blogging ideas. In such situations, life hacks come to the rescue. Write what you can write on homies. What about a post on ‘How to raise children in a more democratic environment?’, for instance! You may also write your story on dealing with the loss of a pet. Your stories and experiences may inspire others. Do write!
Freebies Around the World
Who doesn’t like freebies? I guess – very few do. Many institutions across the globe are delivering freebies to interested ones. This includes magazines, posters, stickers, pens, notebooks, new release books (to review), domains, web spaces, toys, instruments, t-shirts, and so on. If you compile the information on such free resources and do a little SEO yourself, your blog will be much more popular in the short time to come.
Job-Hunt Guide
It may be somehow difficult to list every job vacancy from the worldwide pool and scale. However, you may be able to post information about significant job vacancies around the location and population of your target. For example, if you live in California and want to focus on a California job hunt, you can make it in your blog! Not only the blog posts about the popular vacancies, but you can also include the how-to posts, CV guides, interview guides, and many more.
Book Reviews
Book Reviews can be an evergreen blog for those who are ahead of many in buying and reading books. The reviews written by these bloggers can be useful to many followers who wish to take input from others before deciding to buy a book. You can do an affiliate marketing of books on your blog. You can also sell the books as a retailer.
Study Notes
Such kinds of blogs are really meant to be run by those students who are somehow ahead of many in the topic/area of their study pursuits. The study notes can be for their own archive, and also for others who follow the blog. While studying, such bloggers develop the pressure on themselves for preparing better and more authentic notes appropriate to the level of their studies, at least. Such blogs can generate enormous traffic if the subjects are more general like- English Grammar, Science, Mathematics, and so on.
How to – ICTs
The how-to blogs can be in various niches. However, with an ever-changing scenario in the field of Information and Communication Technology, the how-to blogs in tech and ICTs niches are always under traffic demand. One needs to get oneself knowledgeable and skillful in operating and doing things in various aspects of tech and ICTs. S/he should not wait to post the how-to blogs. Otherwise, many other’s posts will kick your one to the later positions in SERPs.
Science Blogs (Amazing Science)
Such blogs can be run by the one who has an incredible interest in science. If the content raises the eyebrows and opens the mouth of the audience, such posts are eligible to drive the enormous traffic. You may need to work on graphics as well. In fact, many blogs of today are also requiring graphical strength, alongside strength in social media like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and so on.
e-Governance (Public Service)
The world is changing. So do the public sector. Many local to federal governments around the world have started to function partially- and fully through the internet. When it comes to doing transactions with the citizens, government agencies have been implementing the internet as means of almost all transactions. Days are gone to queue up for getting public services!
With such comfort in public service to many, comes enormous trouble for some. Some people may not simply grasp the procedures to do things with the government agencies through the internet. The blogs to help such a population should be well written with reader-friendly graphical illustrations. Such blogs (and vlogs) have been getting popularity even among young people who want to make sure that they are doing e-governance stuff the right way.
The world’s human population has been ever increasing. So do the population of aspiring students in higher education and research. Issues of tuition fees, establishment costs, and living expenses have been perpetual issues for these brilliant individuals. Hence, they attempt to look for scholarships from around the globe. Scholarships in developed countries have become the hot cake of today. Writing blogs on scholarships can catch the interest of many aspirants. For example – have been seen writing on scholarships, study guide, and career.
Study / Work Abroad
Since the 2008 financial crisis, nothing has stopped the young students around the world making study and careers a globe-trotting opportunity. The globalization of education has come in many faces. Studying abroad has become a buzzword of many aspirants since the Bologna Process. Not only the Europeans, but students from all around the world have also made this world more globalized than ever. Work opportunities have been opened to international talents more than ever. Study Abroad and Work Abroad have become parallel phenomena that have been growing parallelly and aggressively. Bloggers around the world have been sharing their experiences and guiding others in achieving study/work opportunities in various countries. is one of these awesome blogs on study/work abroad.
Ex-pat Blogs
As an outcome of the ever heightened state of studying- and working abroad, many ex-pats are found in any given city in the world. They are found studying or working even in smaller towns or villages. Expats have been found to put foreign perspectives into the reality of the place where they have been living. Hence, the blogs of ex-pats get more attention from other foreigners and even the native population.
Teacher Blogs
Teachers have been writing on the internet since the antiquity of the expansion of internet coverage among the world population. In fact, edublogs started way ahead of the emergence of web 2.0. Those used to come as plain HTML pages with minimal formatting. Gradually, those included images and infographics. With the emergence of Blogger and WordPress, edublogging sector got an incredible number of old and young teachers. This trend does not stop. Now, the teaching profession has become more demanding (digital pedagogical competence and skills) in addition to pedagogical competence and cognitive abilities. When teachers have been getting more effective than ever, blogging (in particular, edublogging) has become an integral component of many teachers’ way of expressing themselves and their portfolios.
Little Known Blogs (mainly Historical cover stories)
Such blogs comprise content that would have been accidentally missed in dominant history books. In the history of certain regions, or nations, there would have been unsung heroes whose life would have been full of heroic deeds and adventures. Some little-known events in some parts of the world would have made a significant impact on the way we have been living in the contemporary anthropocene. Blogs of little-known things have been gaining popularity in the contemporary globe.
Movie Reviews
Those who watch a tremendous number of movies can also write movie reviews if they are confident to do so. Movies are searched more on the internet than other stuff. Not only movies to download, but potential audiences also try to know a little more information about the movie before deciding to invest money, energy, and time in theaters. Movie reviews have been an evergreen niche.