A Step-by-Step Guide to Develop a SEO Strategy in 2022

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the manner to enhance your site’s rating and score to a better stage at the SERPs like google and yahoo. With SEO, you can rank your website higher in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). This will bring more traffic to your site since we all know that the highest traffic on any page is brought on by merits via the organic search results. To note, the first result on any web search has a 60% chance of getting clicked and the other results on the first page have 20% each. This is 10 times more when compared to the traffic brought by the links on social media. The way the list for traffic gain goes on with SEO at the top which is subsequently followed by direct links, social media, referrals, email, and display ads respectively.

These site visitors are unfastened and work quite properly on your revenue as properly. With your ranks and rankings on the pinnacle of any SERP, you may have the most site visitors for your page and thus be an authoritative website with high-quality content that the audience looks up to when in need.

How does Google work?

Google uses many algorithms to rank a webpage with content in it. However, it still follows a series of steps to rate them. So, before we learn about some SEO strategies to rank your site up, let’s learn about these steps for an easy further step.


A page must be crawled – have links pointing to it for Google to know about it. This is the first step on Google that will help your site.


After a page is crawled, Google analyzes the URL of that page. This is to make sure it consists of the content material that revolves across the keyword you used. After that, your page is listed in its Google Index.


Now, while your web page is each crawled and indexed, Google sees how your web page applies to users seeking queries. If your page has met the user requirement then your page will rank higher in the SERPs. The ranking is determined by the presence of the keyword in the title, the loading speed of the page, and website reputation.

How does SEO work?

Search Engine Optimization works with a few foremost elements that you could use as a set of rules to rank the pages with inside the SERPs. There are some major points we need to consider while creating content for search engines. We can talk about a number of the factors right here earlier than we head out to a step-by-step manual to growing a search engine optimization approach in 2022.

  • Your content should revolve around the keyword you used to rank up. It should closely relate to that keyword – meaning your content should be relevant to the keyword. The keyword mentioned here might be a product keyword or an informational keyword. We need to keep both in mind since both of them play an equal role for a good rank of a site.
  • The content you posted should be accurate and trustworthy so that people will be dragged back to your site with the hope that they receive genuine content. This falls under a page having authority.
  • The more backlinks a web page has, the better the rating and rank it’ll score.
  • What you deliver as content should be useful. Content that is both relevant and authoritative can also be in lower ranks if it is not useful. Google has clearly stated the difference between “higher quality content” and “useful content”. Here, the usefulness of a page is determined by “User Experience Signals” Continue reading…

What is SEO strategy?

SEO strategy is making plans for a higher Search Engine Optimization to rank our website online at the pinnacle for organic site visitors that allows you to deliver yourself some extra revenue. In simple words, you can refer to SEO strategy as an SEO approach as well.

Now that we have discussed some of the basic terms we needed to discuss before starting a guide to developing a Search Engine Optimization method as of 2022, we can be headed to a step-by-step guide. There are eight basic steps that you can keenly follow for a good Search Engine Optimization approach for your site. Let’s see those steps and learn about what they mean individually.

A step-by-step guide to developing an SEO strategy in 2022

  1. Keywords Selection
  2. Google’s 1st Page
  3. Unique Content
  4. More Backlinks
  5. On-Page SEO Optimization
  6. Search Intent
  7. Content Presentation
  8. Regular Content Updates
  9. The power of social media

Now that we have seen them as a list, we can dive right into understanding them individually so that we can get started on our website soon.

Keywords Selection

Keywords Selection is the primary step to attend to getting ready for any Search Engine Optimization strategy. You need to understand your target audience and choose the keyword accordingly. There are two types of keywords.

  1. Product Keywords
  2. Informational Keywords

If you correctly use both of these keywords, then you can rank your page for not only the keyword but for the surrounding context.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a good content marketing.

If you’re an amateur in Search Engine Optimization, then we advise you to begin with long-tail keywords. They might sound harsh but trust us when we say they are less competitive and thus are much easier to rank for. However, when you are familiar with SEO and also have good authority on-site,  you can target competitive short keywords. But unless you are sure that you’re ready, you have to stick with long-tail keywords and gradually move from medium to short and competitive.

Sometimes, researching for a keyword might be a hard job. But you can apply some strategy here as well. Some of the tips on how to find a good keyword are explained below:-

Google Autocomplete

You can type initial words representing your content and google autocomplete will show you what people are searching for these days. This will help you understand what people are looking for these days and thus you can choose your keyword accordingly.

Keyword Research Tools

There are many keyword research tools out there as of year 2022 that you can use to find a good keyword for you to rank higher. Not only for the keyword, but they are great for finding topics as well.

For example, if you are working for content about a cookie recipe, you just type “Cookie Recipe” in the tool and it will list out some other questions that a search engine has already seen before when the audience has tried to find something.

“Can I have a cookie recipe with an apple in it?”


“Is a Sugarless cookie possible? What’s the recipe?”

This means that if your content meets the requirement, you can use these as a title for your content. This is very crucial for your SEO.

Moreover, these keyword research tools will not only help you figure out a good keyword for your content but will also show you how much competition you have for the keyword and content.

Some of the decent keyword research tools you can use today are SEMrush, KeywordTool.io, and Seed Keywords. Not to forget Google Keyword Planner which I left out in the above list but am mentioning later because it was initially designed to help us with Google Ads Campaigns, but we can use it to find a good keyword for us. You just need to enter a product keyword or an informational keyword in it and Google will fetch you the data with exact data on those keywords. This data includes a list of related keywords and average monthly searches on them.

Hence, this is how you do keyword research for your content which is the first step in your SEO strategy.

Google’s 1st Page

You might have been clear on why we are applying these strategies and doing the hard work for our content. Yes!! You are right. We are doing this to rank our content on the first page of any Search Engine like Google or Yahoo. So, this clears out a doubt that the pages and sites we see on the first page of Google must meet the aforementioned requirements – authority, relevancy, and of course the most important part – usefulness. And not to forget that they are our competitors in our ranks and ratings.

So, the next step in our Search Engine Optimization strategy is analyzing the top articles on Google’s first page. It is no surprise that all of them will have a similar pattern because no matter how they are presented, the content revolves around the same topic. This will give you an advantage of understanding them and then thinking about what can be done to outsmart them and rank yourself at the top.

Unique Content is important for SEO

No matter what your topic is and how many other websites have presented their content on the same subject as long as your content stands out from theirs. You need some super high-quality content for outranking them and bringing more organic traffic to your site. You have two options here.

  • Create different content
  • Create better content

That’s right!!!

Bill Gates once said, “Content is King” and that is a truth that will never change. You need free traffic on your page and you are doing all of this for that sole purpose. Because of this reason, your content must be either different or better than the others. It is no news that Google looks for any duplicate versions of the content in its Index and Google Penalties are not something you would want if you want to be better in this field. That’s why the next step to consider while creating content for your site is to make them unique which can be done by making it either different or better.

More Backlinks

Backlinks mean those hyperlinks that point and redirect from one webpage to another website. The more backlinks you have, the more traffic you will gain to your website. A study was done by Stone Temple Consulting and they posted on the Moz Blog where it briefly mentions that links and first page Google rankings are related. This falls under the category – Authority we talked about earlier under the heading “How SEO works?”.

There are some proven ways to build more backlinks to your website. We will see them in the list below: –

  • If you find a broken link on a site, you can humbly offer to insert your link as a replacement. If you have high-quality content that meets their expectation, it will be no problem at all.
  • You can check your competitor’s backlinks and add links to your page where it will be valued.
  • You can share your page with those people who will appreciate it and if they are impressed, they share it on their social media handles and with their friends as well as with families.

Google ranks your website even higher when there are more and more pages that link to your page. This will bring your website the rank and is considered one of the most important strategies you need to consider while being involved in Search Engine Optimization.

On-Page SEO Optimization

Moving on, we have On-Page SEO optimization for an even better ranking of your website. This is a concept where you utilize your keyword inside your content and thus it will be one of the most optimized pages. However, the On-Page Search Engine Optimization doesn’t limit here, there are some other tips you can consider for an even better strategy.

  • You can place internal links on your content connecting it to other pages of your website even if they are remotely related.
  • Prepare short URLs which will be the best if it holds the keyword in them.
  • There is a concept – Semantic SEO which will lead your On-Page Optimization to a top-level. It means that you find words related to the keyword and mention them in your content. The best way to do that would be using Google Autocomplete we mentioned above.

Hence, On-Page Optimization is also equally important as the other strategies we use on SEO.

Search Intent

Search Intent. We have heard this before. So, let’s break it. We are all familiar with what search means and Intent means intention. This means that Search Intent channels for looking for something with a certain specific intention. When a person searches for something, they expect that their query will be solved. This means that when a person has a problem and turns to the Search Engines for a solution, he/she does so with the expectation that it gets solved.  

This clearly states that the user experiences a user gets from our site are very important to rank higher.

Let’s understand this with an example. If someone searches for a Cookie Recipe and there is Google’s first page with a lot of articles before them. The first article is from a trusted website with a higher authority than the other similar websites. However, the recipe it has is very confusing and time-consuming and people are having trouble staying on the course of that recipe. Then comes the second website which doesn’t have much authority as the first one but there is a simple recipe in easy words and people have a very good experience while using the site. Now, most audiences will choose the second site for them and they will share it with friends and then the traffic on the second website will be way higher than on the first one. This will make Google rank the previously second article at the top.

Hence, with this example, we can see how important it is to understand the Search Intent and work towards better content based on our understanding.

Content Presentation

As of now, we have discussed how we can make the content better. But in this section, we will discuss not the betterment of content but how content can be presented in a way that will benefit us greatly while google tries to rank us.

The content presentation must be one of the most underrated concepts we see good content marketing. It is no shock that a well-presented website attracts more traffic than a plain one. Hence, you should some of the tips I will provide you to make your site more attractive to gain more organic traffic.

  • Instead of just listing or explaining any kind of data in your content as words, try representing them in a pictorial form. And such forms would be graphs and charts. It will give your audience a better understanding of the data as compared to when they are in long paragraphs and lists.
  • You can use pictures and in the cases of the educational content, screenshots on your website. It is proven by a study that an article with an interesting featured photo will have a lot more traffic than the one with a pale and boring one. So, please use as many pictures and screenshots as you feel necessary.
  • Using Blog post banners might make your page look cool.
  • Like we visualized data with graphs and charts, you can visualize the concepts in your content by using graphics. This will make your content far more interesting and will eventually more traffic than you have ever expected.

Hence, this is where we pay more attention to a presentation and our rank will increase to an unexpected level.

Regular Content Updates

Finally, we have reached a point in our guide where we discuss why it is important to have your content regularly updated. Why do you need to improve and update your content on regular basis?

In today’s world, we can see the new concepts and ideas emerging day by day which means a content you thought was a blockbuster today might not be the same next year. That means you need to keep improving and updating your content according to the flow as the world moves on.

The world changes every second and with it changes the ideas and the way it needs to be executed. So, for a good ranking site for a long time, you need to keep updating your pages in the present context.

The power of social media in SEO

This is SEO one strategy that is never old and always works like a charm. There are so many social media handles these days and 90% of the existing people use them as an addiction. There are some personal platforms like Facebook and Instagram and some professional like LinkedIn. Your connection and the curiosity of that audience can together create a high ground for a whole new batch of organic traffic.

You can use them not only by sharing the link to your pages on them but can do the On-Page optimization with social media share buttons on your website. This has been a very effective way of gaining free traffic in today’s world. People spend hours of their day on these social media platforms they are bound to get after your content if they find it somehow interesting to them and helpful for their daily life. Not only that, people spend hours on social media platforms learning how to stay away from it. Ironic isn’t it?

In a nutshell, learning the ways to handle your website by making social media appearances is very crucial for a good SEO strategy. The hashtags and meme pages and the groups –are the key to your free traffic via social media. Learn to utilize them and have a good site reputation. They share hundreds of links a day and yours can be one of them and lead you to a top rank and ratings.


To summarize, these are the strategies you can follow to be a top-ranking SEO optimizer in 2022. These are the techniques that fall under the most important ones if you want to develop your site to good ranks and ratings for each of your pages. Everything, from building authority to the website to knowing the target audience, it is really important to follow all of the steps. These are not just for today or a year for this will come in handy for a long time.

Besides these simple steps, you can have various other approaches that make you a successful professional in the field of Search Engine Optimization. You can be emotional or humorous on your content and connect with people who will bring you a great deal of traffic for a long time. You also need to be careful of your competitors and try to stay a step ahead of them. Always. Because after all, SEO is all about engaging your audience and getting them hooked up for more traffic to you. Isn’t it?

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