How to Backlinks Boost Up your Blogs Traffic

Bloggers always concentrate their blogs web traffic. Basically for blogs traffic we develop Search engine optimization friendly blogs and focus to Meta keywords, description, content quality and uniqueness. This is most of SEO experts explained, but some SEO experts estimate more than 50 percentage of web traffic comes from quality backlinks. Backlink is most important for web traffics and Search engine optimization.

What is Backlinks?

The simple answer is linking between two different websites. Backlinks is links comes from another website to your blogs pages or your blog page link goes to another pages of your blogs. This is also called inbound links, incoming links. If you build the backlinks your web traffic and SEO ranking will be improved. But you must build quality backlinks otherwise your website will be penalties from the search engines. Google Search engine seriously consider this quality backlinks.

What is quality Backlinks?

Quality backlinks is as per search engine terminology your blogs content, keywords and linking website content, keyword should be relevant. Also links comes from trusted websites should not make paid linking this will be lost your SEO ranking. Backlinks will be take some more time to display the results.

Some more points also explain to make quality backlinks:

  • Write Guest Post in related blogs
  • Answer the forum in your blogs related source
  • Links from social networking link Facebook, Google plus, Twitter
  • Links comes from trusted web sites, like Wikipedia, BBC
  • Press releases

Following points is not valid backlinks:

  • Reciprocal links
  • Paid linking
  • Links with nofllow

Free Backlink checker:

You can check your blogs backlinks from ahrefs Backlink Checker tool. This tool helps you to review your blogs all backlinks, also check the quality and not valid back links.

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