How to convert Page to Post in WordPress?

Many blogger always updated their blog post; sometimes accidentally they will add the article in Page section instead of Post area. By default WordPress don’t have feature to move Page to Post section, so many blogger delete the page section article and add that article to Post section. This will really waste of the blogger timing, so how they will move the article from Page to Post section without repost.

Move WordPress article from Page to Post section

Option 1: Update in Database

Following steps explains how you can move the Page to Post type:

  1. Go to your blogs phpMyAdmin page and connect your database
  2. Select the wp_posts table
  3. Select your page which you would like to move post
  4. Click edit and change the post_type “page” to “post” and save the settings

Now your Post section article moved to Post area. Please be aware you have to use this option if you familiar in database and phpMyAdmin, otherwise you can choose plugin options.

Option 2: Move post type by using Plugin

Post type switcher WordPress plugin helps you to move the post type any easy way

  1. Login to admin and go to your WordPress Plugins area
  2. Install the post type switcher plugin
  3. Go to your Page section and select which would like to move Page to Post section
  4. Edit the Page and right side panel Post type option will be displayed
  5. Click to edit the Post Type than change “Page” to “Post” and click OK to save settings
  6. Click update button to save the page

Now your Page article will be moved to Post section, in this option is very safer way to move the “Page” to “Post” section and vice versa.

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