Top 20 Most important Tips for Blogs Web Traffic

Web traffic is the most preference for every blog. If you need to get more traffic for your blogs, you need to take improvement action often. There are many ways to improve your traffic but you should not violent the web traffic rule otherwise you will get Penalties from search engines. Here some most important points explain about how to increase your web traffic perfectly.

  1. Choose good and clean look WordPress theme. User should easy to navigate all your blogs pages. Web 2.0 template style is most preferred for best blogs user interface; also use the responsive web templates.
  2. Write Quality and unique content this is most important for unique visitor become a fan of your blogs.
  3. Title should be relevant to searchable keyword, take minimum 5 minutes to analyses for post tiles.
  4. Always use High quality Keywords take analysis from Google Keyword Planner
  5. Closely watch your blogs comments and solve their problems if they needed.
  6. Continually post your blogs and minimize your post interval time. Regular visitors always expect something new information from your side.
  7. Create video tutorials for your important posts and upload to YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo. This will be get more traffic your blogs because some people always get knowledge from video tutorials.
  8. Create the best blog post corner based on most commented. This is helps for user can switch over to pages
  9. Post regularly in Google plus, Facebook, twitter and more popular social networking. Also you must post blogs related updated news; this will be increase your page fans.
  10. All your blogs pages include social network share buttons. If user really likes your post they can share the post easily.
  11. Always increase your quality back links, this is most important for search engine page ranking
  12. Write guest post to other popular blogs. This will helps to increase your blog fans
  13. Increase your newsletter subscriber by providing free training materials.
  14. Internal links to your blogs related pages. This is helps for SEO ranking
  15. Optimize your blogs pages and minimize page loading time by using pingdom tool
  16. Always attend Blogs seminars, there you will get new idea for improve your blogs traffic.
  17. Answer the forums your blogs related questions and make it signature as your blogs URL
  18. Do the interview famous blogger
  19. List your blog post famous blog directories like Tumblr, Indiblogger
  20. Write Comments on other blogs this will be improve your backlinks

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