Free Nepali Widgets for Your Website

Nepalese Bloggers can now put several Nepalese Widgets on their websites. These widgets add to the authenticity of their blogs. Not to mention that these indicate Nepaliness in them.

It all started with Nepali calendar and Nepali date converter. To this date, we have found several Nepali widgets that one can find interesting to put on their websites.

Disclaimer: Besides being a part-time blogger, I do have other stuff to do- like studying and teaching. However, I keep on writing blogs and guiding new and existing bloggers as one of the ‘niches’ of my personal blog. I suggest you make a plan for your blog rather than trying many things. Trials (in this case of Nepalese Widgets) are, however, okay to do.

To get these widgets (listed below) on your website, you need to do is visit their websites, select the design that you like, copy the HTML code of the widget, and paste it into the HTML widget section of Blogger, WordPress, or kind of web-projects.

free Nepali HTML widgets

Nepali Calendar Widget

Nepali Calendar Widgets are provided by Hamro Patro,,, saralnepali, and so on.

Nepali Date Converter Widget

There are mushrooming websites that offer Nepali Date Converter tools. It all started with‘s Nepali Date Converter tool. Most of the DV / EDV applicants used (and still do) this website for converting the Nepali dates to the gregorian ones. Some modern web developers moved one step ahead and began to provide HTML widgets so that other entities can put Nepali Date Converter tool in their websites.

Personally, I find the widgets provided by Hamro Patro most reliable. I trust Hamro Patro, as they have been getting bigger software company in Nepal with elements of authenticity, consistency, and obvious organizational culture.

Nepali Typing Widget

With the emergence of, writing- and blogging in Nepali began to intensify among the writing enthusiasts. Many started to blog (and even microblog on Twitter and Facebook). The need to install the Nepali fonts in the system when one wanted to read the existing web portals of popular print media of Nepal. However, the Nepali Unicode came into growing popularity since mid-late 2000s. These days, you can easily convert the romanised Nepali into Nepali Unicode. One of the Nepali typing HTML widgets is that provided by

If your web project(s) offer(s) any such HTML tool(s) that we can feature, do contact us to inform us. We will definitely list your tools in this article.

Other Widgets from has also started several other widgets.

  • Nepal Weather Observation Widget
  • Nepali Unicode Typing
  • Nepali Date Conveter
  • Preeti to Unicode Converter
  • Unicode to Preeti Converter
  • Foreign Currency Exchanges Rates (FOREX)
  • Gold and Silver Rates
  • Nepal Weather Observation
  • Upcoming Events
  • Nepali Date Badge
  • Nepali Horoscope widgets have come with these widgets for you to apply if you want.

  • Nepali Clock iFrame Widget
  • Nepali Calendar iFrame Widget

Nepali Patro widgets

Nepali Patro offers pretty awesome Calendar and Panchanga widgets for your website.

Calendar Nepali widgets seems to have pretty colourful HTML widgets. These widgets include calendar, clock, date converter, panchanga, Nepali unicode typing, and Nepalese Forex. widgets has really nice HTML widgets like- calendar, marriage- and bratabandha muhurtas, date converter, forex rates.

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